Conquering the 11 Plus Exams: 7 Essential Maths Topics for Children

The 11 Plus Exam is an important milestone in a child’s academic career, and can have a significant impact on their future educational opportunities. Knowing which maths topics to focus on during preparation can be daunting, especially when there is a lot of content to cover. To provide parents and children with a helping hand, we have compiled a list of the 7 essential maths topics for children to master when preparing for the 11 Plus Exam. These topics are designed to give children a strong foundation in maths, and help them to develop the skills they will need to succeed in their exams. With our guidance, parents and children can be confident that their 11 Plus Exam preparation is both comprehensive and effective, helping them to achieve their academic goals.

What are the 7 essential maths topics for 11 Plus Exam preparation?

The 7 essential maths topics for 11 Plus Exam preparation include Number, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability. The topics are designed to give children a solid foundation in maths, and help them to develop the skills they need to succeed in their exams.

Number is the foundation of all maths topics, and it is essential for children to be fluent in basic number operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This will help them to understand more complex concepts. Algebra is a key topic, as it allows children to understand how to manipulate numbers and equations to identify patterns and solve problems. Geometry is also an important topic, as it teaches children to visualise and measure shapes and angles. Measurement is a related topic, involving the use of units to measure and compare different objects.

Data Analysis is an important skill for the 11 Plus Exam, as it teaches children to interpret and analyse data in order to make informed decisions. Statistics and Probability are also important topics, as they allow children to make predictions and understand the likelihood of certain outcomes. By mastering these 7 topics, children will be well-prepared for the 11 Plus Exam, and have the skills they need to succeed in their future studies.

How to teach the 7 essential maths topics

When it comes to teaching the 7 essential maths topics for the 11 Plus Exam, there are a variety of methods which can be used. These include traditional methods such as textbooks, worksheets and practice exams, as well as more contemporary methods such as online resources and apps.

Textbooks and worksheets are still a popular choice for 11 Plus Exam preparation, as they are easy to use and provide a structured approach to learning. They are also a useful way for children to practice their skills, as they can work through the exercises at their own pace. Practice exams are also a great way to prepare for the 11 Plus Exam, as they allow children to get used to the format and expectations of the exam.

Online resources are becoming increasingly popular for 11 Plus Exam preparation, as they provide a more interactive and engaging learning experience. There are a variety of online resources available, ranging from apps to online courses and tutorials. These are often more affordable than traditional resources, and can be tailored to the individual child’s needs.

Tips to help children stay motivated during 11 Plus Exam preparation

It can be difficult for children to stay motivated during 11 Plus Exam preparation, especially when there is a lot of content to cover and there is a lot of pressure to do well. Here are some tips to help children stay motivated and make the most of their 11 Plus Exam preparation:

• Set realistic goals: Setting realistic goals can help children to stay motivated, as they can track their progress and see their achievements.

• Break up the work: Breaking up the work into smaller chunks can help to make it more manageable, and can help to prevent children from becoming overwhelmed.

• Celebrate successes: Celebrating successes, no matter how small, can help to keep children motivated and remind them of their achievements.

• Take breaks: Taking regular breaks can help children to stay focused, and can give them an opportunity to unwind and recharge.

• Get support: Getting support from family and friends can help children to stay motivated, and can give them a morale boost when they need it.

• Get organised: Organisation is key when it comes to 11 Plus Exam preparation, and having a plan can help children to stay on track and make the most of their time.

• Have fun: It’s important to remember that 11 Plus Exam preparation should be enjoyable, so it’s important to find ways to make it fun and engaging.

Differentiating 11 Plus Exam teaching in the home and classroom

When it comes to 11 Plus Exam preparation, there are some key differences between teaching at home and teaching in the classroom. Teaching at home allows parents to provide a more tailored approach to learning, as they can tailor the content to the individual child’s needs. It also allows parents to take a more hands-on approach to learning, as they can provide more detailed feedback and support.

In the classroom, teaching can be more structured and formal. This can be beneficial for children, as it can help them to develop their skills and knowledge in a more structured way. However, it can be difficult for teachers to provide tailored support for individual children, and it can be difficult to monitor the progress of each child.

Common mistakes to avoid when preparing for the 11 Plus Exam

When preparing for the 11 Plus Exam, there are some common mistakes which parents and children should avoid. These include:

• Not starting early enough: Starting early is key when it comes to 11 Plus Exam preparation, as it allows children to get used to the format and content of the exam.

• Not revising enough: Revision is essential for 11 Plus Exam preparation, and it’s important to make sure that children are revising regularly.

• Not practising enough: Practising is essential for 11 Plus Exam preparation, and it’s important to make sure that children are doing enough practice tests.

• Not getting enough sleep: Sleep is essential for 11 Plus Exam preparation, as it allows children to stay focused and alert during the exam.

• Not taking breaks: Taking regular breaks is essential for 11 Plus Exam preparation, as it allows children to recharge and stay motivated.

• Not asking for help: Asking for help is essential for 11 Plus Exam preparation, as it allows children to get the support they need to succeed.

Exam techniques and strategies for the 11 Plus Exam

When it comes to the 11 Plus Exam, there are some key techniques and strategies which can help children to succeed. These include:

• Reading the questions carefully: It’s important to read the questions carefully, as this will help children to identify the key information and avoid any potential pitfalls.

• Planning answers: Planning answers can help children to organise their thoughts and structure their responses, allowing them to get the most out of their time.

• Using diagrams: Diagrams can be a useful tool for 11 Plus Exam preparation, as they can help children to visualise complex concepts.

• Eliminating options: Eliminating options can be a useful technique for multiple choice questions, as it can help children to narrow down their choices and identify the right answer.

• Checking answers: Checking answers is essential for 11 Plus Exam preparation, as it allows children to identify any mistakes and make sure that they have answered all the questions.

Resources for 11 Plus Exam preparation

When it comes to 11 Plus Exam preparation, there are a variety of resources available to help children succeed. These include:

• Textbooks: Textbooks are still a popular choice for 11 Plus Exam preparation, as they provide a structured approach to learning.

• Apps: Apps are becoming increasingly popular for 11 Plus Exam preparation, as they provide a more interactive and engaging learning experience.

• Websites: There are a variety of websites available for 11 Plus Exam preparation, ranging from online courses and tutorials to practice tests.

• Tutors: Tutors can be a useful resource for 11 Plus Exam preparation, as they can provide tailored support and feedback.

• Study Groups: Study groups can be a great way for children to prepare for the 11 Plus Exam, as they can discuss difficult concepts and work together to prepare for the exam.

• Parents: Parents can be a great resource for 11 Plus Exam preparation, as they can provide support and guidance to children.

Summative assessment for the 11 Plus Exam

When it comes to assessing children’s 11 Plus Exam preparation, summative assessments are an important tool. These assessments allow parents and teachers to assess children’s progress and identify any areas which need improvement. They also provide children with a tangible goal to work towards, and can help to motivate them during their 11 Plus Exam preparation.

Summative assessments can take a variety of forms, such as practice exams and mock tests. They can also be tailored to the individual child’s needs, allowing parents and teachers to assess specific areas of weakness. By monitoring children’s progress through summative assessments, parents and teachers can ensure that children are adequately prepared for the 11 Plus Exam.


The 11 Plus Exam is an important milestone in a child’s academic career, and it is essential for children to be adequately prepared. Knowing which maths topics to focus on during preparation can be daunting, but by mastering the 7 essential maths topics for 11 Plus Exam preparation, children can develop the skills they need to succeed in their exams. With our guidance, parents and children can be confident that their 11 Plus Exam preparation is both comprehensive and effective, helping them to achieve their academic goals.

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